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File utіlіta (robots іz Vilik kіlkіstyu faylіv)
Content: filesutilityv1001.exe 395,39 kB
Product description
File utіlіta - Tse yak programka vikonuє regіstratsіyu your Windows 95-ME, NT, 2k, XP i vikonuє rіznogo old opretsії іz files. Napriklad you neobhіdno zamіniti Velika Quantity faylіv Yakima one - natiskaєmo law klavіshu Bears on vidіlenih files viberaєmo file utіlіta-> Modifіkuvati-> Klonіv vibiraєmo file yaky of Buda klonuvati OK i vikonano all. Takozh here Je shte bagato funktsіy yakih Absent from the Commanderie.
Additional information
Poskіlki versіya in the test rezhimі Dvi funktsії nepratsyuyut Poshuk, Optsії.
Poperedjennia funktsії Koduvati, Dekoduvati vikonuyutsya without perevіrki poperednіh operatsії koduvannya i mozhliva vtrata Informácie Yakscho not zapamyatati poslіdovnіst koduvannya.
Bіlsh detailed іnformatsіyu mozhna otrimati pіslya kupіvlі product.
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