Product description
Educational institution: SYNERGY, MY, MIT.
Delivery: fresh.
The result of passing is 95-100 points.
Below you can find questions on the Time Management test.
In contextual scheduling, tasks for which the execution time is known in advance are called
An extra step in the rigid-flexible planning algorithm: “...”
The strategy for achieving a SMART goal (action in a given situation) is called...
... is a technology that allows you to use your irreplaceable life time in accordance with your personal and business goals and values
“Beefsteaks” obtained as a result of “cutting an elephant” must comply...
An approach in which a person is completely dependent on external circumstances without actively influencing his life is called...
... is an accounting of personal time expenses by simple written recording
In the history of the development of domestic time management, one can highlight...
The Eisenhower Matrix allows you to set priorities by assessing all tasks according to two criteria -
... is a good moment to solve a problem, a good chance, non-linear time.
All contexts can be divided into .
Put the steps of the context planning technique in the correct order:...
A correctly formulated goal must meet SMART criteria, one of which is...
A correctly formulated goal must meet SMART criteria, one of which is...
According to the Eisenhower Matrix, important but non-urgent tasks fall into the category...
One of the steps of the timing technique is to...
When determining priorities using the Eisenhower Matrix, all tasks are divided into...
Examples of a hard task: “...”
The strategy for achieving a supergoal (action in a problem situation) is called...
When using multi-criteria evaluation, each option is evaluated...
“...” - these are small tasks that do not require much effort and time to solve, but which are very unpleasant and you want to put them off
Timing techniques help...
Ineffectively organized activity processes leading to wasted time are called...
A correctly formulated goal must meet SMART criteria, one of which is...
A correctly formulated goal must meet SMART criteria, one of which is...
Flexible tasks include the task “...”
The approach in which a person acts despite external circumstances and actively influences his life is called...
One of the steps of the context planning technique is...
“...” are large tasks that cannot be solved at once
means making a decision, assessing according to certain criteria which of the assigned tasks and affairs are of paramount importance, which are of secondary importance
Main features
- Content type File
- Content description 19 kB
- Added to the site 01.04.2024
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