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MEI logic test 17 jobs

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1. Read and zakonspektiruyte Chapter 1, paragraphs 1.2
2. Select the correct answer to the question, and note the card answers.
Question 1. Which of the following categories related to the subject of science "logic" 
1. Form and means thought necessary for the management of knowledge in any field of knowledge.
2. The forms and laws of correct thinking.
3. The laws and forms, methods and operations of thought by which a person perceives the world around him.
4. The forms of sensory perception.
5. The structure of thought.
Question 2. What forms of expression denote sensual poznaniya
1. Emotions.
2. Submission of perception.
3. Experiences.
4. Mood.
5. Mind.
Question 3. What forms of expression do not represent the logical myshleniya
1. Concept.
2. Judgments.
3. Theory.
4. conclusion.
5. The correct answer is no.
Question 4. Which of the following statements disclose the concept of "representation" 
1. It is a form of indirect and generalized reflection of reality.
2. This form of thinking, which reflects the essential features of objects.
3. This sensual image of the object, which is the earliest in one form or another was seen, but that is currently not available.
4. It is a form of visual perception of the subject.
5. This form of the generalized perception of the world.
Question 5. Which statements are marked features abstract myshleniya
1. Nonobjective perception of the world.
2. The inextricable link with the language.
3. Reflection of the world and its transformation.
4. The optimum form of understanding the world.
5. The correct answer is 1.3.

1.Izuchite and zakonspektiruyte Chapter 1, paragraph 3.4.
2. Select the correct answer to the question, and note the card answers.
Question 1. What is the logical law broken in the above primere
Medicine, took sick, is good. The more good to do, the better. That means we need to take as much medication.
1. The law of identity.
2. The law of the excluded middle.
3. The law of sufficient reason.
4. The law of non-contradiction.
5. The law of negation of negation.
Item 2. In which resulted in

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  • Content description 59 kB
  • Added to the site 29.03.2012

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JOB 17
1.Izuchite zakonspektiruyte and Chapter 11, Paragraph 1 - 4.
2. Select the correct answer to the question, and note the card answers.
Question 1: Which of the above definition expresses the concept of hypothesis?
1. The hypothesis - that assumption.
2. The hypothesis is the result of the scientific imagination.
3. Hypothesis - is a scientifically educated guess about the causes and relationships of any - or phenomena or events of nature, society and thought.
4. Hypothesis - is one of logical thinking.
5. Hypothesis - a version of what - a phenomenon.
Question 2. What hypotheses do not establish the existence of faktov
1. The reason for the differences in the flow direction of the Ussuri rivers in the mountains and in the plains is a difference in the speed of the water.
2. The magnetic field lines really exist.
3. In Kursk province there are large deposits of iron ore.
4. Any even number can be represented as the sum of two primes.
5. The correct answer is 1.4.
Question 3. What are the stages consists check gipotezy
1. Deductive arising from the elimination of the consequences of the hypothesis. Defining concept of testability or untestable hypothesis.
2. Empirical and theoretical basis of the hypothesis.
3. Determination of the consistency or inconsistency of the hypothesis.
4. Comparison of the consequences of the facts of reality.
5. All of the above.
Question 4. What hypotheses do not apply to the general 
1. The hypothesis of the origin of the virus from normal cell components that are out of control mechanisms of regulation.
2. Hypothesis MV University of the atomistic structure of matter.
3. The hypothesis of the structure of organic and inorganic substances.
4. The hypothesis of the origin of viruses.
5. The hypothesis of academician AI Oparin on the origin of life on Earth.
Question 5. What hypotheses have emerged on the basis of analogii
1. On Mars, and there will be life.
2. There are special substances that stimulate life processes - biogenic stimulators.
3. On the Moon has craters.
4. The death of dinosaurs due to planetary catastrophe.
5. P


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