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Task 1.
Question 1. What is the science, which is a unified system of knowledge about nature as a single integrity-of?
1. Psychology
2. Philosophy
3. science
4. Physics
5. Systems Theory
Question 2. Do you think that is the basis of differentiation of knowledge?
1. The national isolation of scientists from different countries
2. The specialization of knowledge
3. The ideological aspect (the difference in the views of scientists)
4. Use natural sciences apparatus of differential calculus developed by Newton Mr.
5. The comprehensive approach to solving global problems
Question 3. What is the process associated with the formation of complexes interacting natural sciences?
1. Scientific Revolution
2. Differentiation of knowledge
3. Visualization
4. Integration of knowledge
5. abstraction
Question 4. What is the name of science at the interface of several traditional and emerging science in the result of re-unification of research methods?
1. sciences
2. natural sciences
3. Social Sciences
4. Interdisciplinary sciences
5. technical sciences
Question 5. What science can claim a special role in the natural sciences?
1. Chemical
2. Biology
3. Mathematics
4. Physics
5. Astronomy
Task 2.
Question 1: What is the concept determines the basis of everything in the teachings of philosophers Pythagoreans?
1. Air
2. Water
3. The number of
4. fire
5. atom
Question 2. What is the contribution made to the development of science Pythagorean school of thought?
1. developed a doctrine of causality
2. developed materialist approach to the study of nature
3. introduced into science the idea of \u200b\u200bthe existence of quantitative laws
4. developed atomistic representation
5. formed heliocentric concept of the universe
Question 3: Who was the author of the poem "On the Nature of Things", sets out the basic ideas of the ancient atomic theory?
1. Democritus
2. Epicurus
3. Pythagoras
4. Lucretius Carus
5. Nero
Question 4: What is the theory of nature into a single undifferentiated science - Greek philosophy, characterized by the direct contemplation of the world as a whole and speculative conclusions?
1. Astrology
2. natural philosophy
3. Alchemy
4. Cosmology
5. Psychology
Question 5. Which of the following ancient Greek philosophers made the main contribution to the logic oform-tion of natural philosophy in the IV. BC. ?
1. Aristotle
2. Sophocles
3. Archimedes
4. Euclid
5. Socrates
Task 3.
Question 1. What is the area of \u200b\u200bknowledge gained through the teachings of the independent development of the equilibrium of bodies of Archimedes?
1. Statics
2. Acoustics
3. Optics
4. Thermodynamics
5. Chemical
Question 2. What is scholasticism?
1. The science of nature
2. The religious-idealist philosophy
3. Practical activities
5. materialist philosophy
Question 3. Which of the philosophers criticized in the XIII century. scholasticism and delivered a program of reform of science?
1. Heron
2. Vitruvius
3. Newton
4. Kepler
5. Bacon
Question 4. How many planets in the solar system was known at the time of the creation of Copernicus geliotsentriche-tion of the universe?
Question 5. Which of the following scientific achievements belong to Galileo?
1. The creation of the theory of the lever
2. The discovery of the laws of planetary motion
3. Development of an experimental method of investigation of nature
4. The establishment of the doctrine of equilibrium of bodies
5. The measurement of the distance from the Earth to the Moon
Task 4.
Question 1. What is the basis of the concept of the scientific method of Francis Bacon?
1. Deduction
2. Model
3. System
4. Induction
5. contemplation
Question 2. What s
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- Content description 98,5 kB
- Added to the site 23.10.2012
Additional information
Question 1. What is the scope of life on Earth?
1. biocenose
2. Biosphere
3. lithosphere
4. hydrosphere
5. troposphere
Question 2. Who created the doctrine of the biosphere?
1. Lavoisier
2. Heisenberg
3. Vernadsky
4. Mendel
5. Empedocles
Question 3. What is the main energy source for biogeochemical cycles?
1. radio waves
2. The cosmic rays
3. ionizing radiation
4. The solar radiation
5. The energy of the Earth's interior
Question 4: What is the matter of the biosphere produced and processed by living organisms, eg, measures, coal, oil, lime, peat?
1. The inert substance
2. The synthetic substance
3. Nutrients
4. bioinert substance
5. living matter
Question 5. What is the function of the living matter of the biosphere, which is manifested in the absorption of solar energy and transfer it in the trophic (food) chains?
1. The function of the gas
2. destructive function
3. The function of the concentration
4. redox function
5. Energy Function
Task 25.
Question 1. What can you say about the transition of the biosphere into the noosphere?
1. realized under certain conditions
2. happens nowadays
3. inevitably realized itself
4. have already made
5. never realized
Question 2. What is the noosphere?
1. The shells of the Earth's geological structure and power are determined by the overall activity of living organisms
2. The outer hard shell of the Earth
3. The future of the biosphere evolution of overcoming mankind the last Business Plan of negative human impact on nature
4. The initial phase of the biochemical evolution
5. aquatic environment of the Earth
Question 3. What is the purpose to create reserves?
1. The development of tourism
2. conservation of the gene pool of plants and animals
3. The creation of centers of hunting
4. organization of recreation areas
5. The production of highly productive breeds of animals
Question 4: What is the science that studies the vital functions of the whole organism in its interaction with the environment?
1. Anatomy
2. Biochemistry
3. Care
4. Genetics
5. Physiology
Question 5. What is the emotion?
1. The process of human consumption of energy and matter
2. The condition of rest of the organism, which is accompanied by a decrease in the intensity of physiological processes-owls
3. accumulation, storage and processing of information
4. The human response to external and internal stimuli, having pronounced sub-projective color
5. The aggregate of all chemical reactions in living organisms that provide its vital functions
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