Product description
1.1 y2 = 8x
2. Find the y ´and y´ ´
2.1 x = (2t + 3) cost y = 3t3
3. For this function, the argument y and calculate x0 y ´´ ´(x0)
3.1 y = sin2x, x0 = π / 2
4. Write a formula for an arbitrary n-th order of the specified function.
4.1 y = lnx
5. Solve the following problems.
5.1 Write the equation of the tangent to the curve y = x2-7x + 3 at the point with abscissa x = 1
6. Solve the following problems.
6.1 Trajectory of the body - the cubic parabola 12y = x3. What it points the rate of increase of the abscissa and ordinate are the same?
Main features
- Content type File
- Content description 118 kB
- Added to the site 11.07.2020
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