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EditProcess (Wee bazhaєte proglyanut scho you started i pomіnyati parametric vіdobrazhennya then you tse)
Content: editprocessins.exe 365,94 kB
Product description
EditProcess - programa yak Got zdatnіst proglyaduvati, modifіkuvati deyakі parametric processes in Windows 95-ME, NT, 2k, XP. Tsey product zatsіkavit not tіlki programіstіv i admіnіstratorіv ale th geymerіv. Yakscho іdeya zatsіkavila, mozhlive prodovzhennya tsogo project i insert Demba bіnarnogo editor, yaky Mauger yak modifіkuvati processes so i file Poshuk Informácie in processes (files) utrimka Informácie in all processes i scho bazhaєte bachit in programі tsogo type VISIL to the fabric on the E- mail: [email protected]
Additional information
Danian product yavlyaєtsya in protsesі rozrobki to deyakі funktsії nerealіzovanі i viglyadayut yak pasivnі.
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