Product description
Task 2. Categorize by type gestures that you use in business communication.
Task 3. Specify psychological techniques to achieve disposition to his interlocutor
Task 4. Name six rules of Dale Carnegie, the observance of which allows to influence people.
Task 5. Specify the sequence of key actions to be taken in preparation for a business conversation.
Task 6. The basic rules are recommended to follow the telephone conversation?
Task 7. Analyze the industrial dispute in which you happen to be a member (designated type of conflict highlight the phase, a way out of it).
Task 8. Listening of all human abilities hardest. What prevents listening?
Task 9. Why before negotiations to identify the best alternative to the failed-sheysya transaction?
Task 10. What should I do to sovershenstvo¬vatsya in business communication?
Main features
- Content type File
- Content description 22,55 kB
- Added to the site 21.06.2016
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