Partner API

Use the XML interfaces we provide to recreate the Plati product catalog with a custom theme on your website.

More information about the Plati partner program is available in Info.

Items search

Request URL{search_phrase}&pagesize={page size}&pagenum={page number}&response={response format}
Method: GET

Request parameters

Name Use Comment
query search_phrase at least three characters
pagesize page size 20 default; less than 500
page_num it is used when the first query returned more than 1 "totalpages"
response_format response format xml/json, xml default

Sample: 4&response=xml

Response parameters

Name Use Comment
name, name_eng product name
url URL of Item You can use this link adding &ai=ZZZ, where ZZZ is your Partner ID
section_id section ID
price_XXX price in XXX
partner_commiss partner reward for selling this item
description, description_eng product description
seller_id seller ID
image URL of item image e.g.

you can use additional parameters :
crop={true|false} - crop if necessary
maxlength={maximum on the larger side}

numsold sold

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